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What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a part of the Microsoft .NET Platform, it gives the simplest and most versatile approach to creating, deploying and running web applications that can focus on any browser or device. ASP.NET is built on the CLR (Common Language Runtime) which allows the programmers to execute its code using any .NET language (C#, VB, etc.). It is especially design to work with HTTP and for work developers to create the dynamic web page, web site and web service. Dot NET Framework is used to create a variety of applications and services like Console, Web, and Windows, etc. But ASP.NET is only used to create web applications and web services. That’s why we termed ASP.NET as a subset of the .NET Framework.

What are the features of ASP.NET?

  • Extremely high performance.
    Due to its kestrel web server ASP.NET is very fast and lightweight. Other things like java, python, PHP, JSP uses interpreter. However, compilers are very fast as compared to the interpreter. It is compiler-based technology that’s why ASP.NET is very fast.
  • It supports cross platform and container environments.
    It means ASP.NET supports windows, mac, iOS, Linux etc. The application which is made by the ASP.NET can be directly deploy on these platforms.
  • Asynchronous Programming
    Asynchronous programming enables multiple operations to run concurrently without waiting for any other operations to complete. Besides, it has a non-blocking nature where the program continues to execute other tasks while executing long-running operations.
  • Rich development environments.
    If we are creating the application, then we will use IDE i.e visual studio. It provides a rich development environment by which we can easily drag and drop the components (radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.) and create the application.
  • Language Independent
    The framework is language independent that is developers can use various languages like C#. So it’s easy for a developer to make its application by language which they know. We can create a dynamic web application using any of the languages.
  • Action Filters
    NET supports a very great feature that is ACTION FILTERS. These filters are used to implement error handling, authorization, caching or to any custom logic which we would like to implement. There is a logic been implemented which will be executed before and after controller action. To implement these logic Action filters are used.

What is Common Language Runtime (CLR)?

It is basic and virtual machine component of .NET framework. It is the run time where codes are executed and helps developing process easy for the developers. It also helps in management of codes that are to be executed. The code that targets the run time is called Managed code, and the code that doesn’t target to run time is called Un management code. This CLR provides the services like memory management, type safety, exception handling, garbage collection etc.

What is ASP.NET MVC framework?

ASP.NET MVC is a framework provided by the Microsoft. By using this MVC framework we can develop the web application which provides a clean separation of codes. MVC framework includes the MVC design pattern (Model, View, Controller). MVC is a different layer like Model, View, and Controller layer.

It is a design pattern that separates application into model, view and controller.
Some features of MVC are given below.

  • It provides the separation of business logic, UI logic, input logic.
  • It provides full control over URL and HTML.
  • It supports Test Driven Development (TDD).

Model layer: –
The backend that contains all the data logic. Data transferred between view and controller handle the model. We provide all the fields related to the data in model. The model’s job is to simply manage the data. Whether the data is from a database, API, or a JSON object, the model is responsible for managing it.
View layer: –
The frontend or graphical user interface (GUI). View is the user interface. The view’s job is to decide what the user will see on their screen, and how.
Controller layer: –
The brains of the application that controls how data is displayed. Controller is the request handler. The controller’s responsibility is to pull, modify, and provide data to the user. Essentially, the controller is the link between the view and model. Through getter and setter functions, the controller pulls data from the model and initializes the views. If there are any updates from the views, it modifies the data with a setter function.

What is server control?

Asp .NET provides web form control that are used to create HTML component. This control is divided into two parts like server based and client based. Given below table represents the server control for web forms.

ASP.NET server control is derived from the web control class and inherit all the properties like methods, events, properties.

What is the Web.cofig file?

Web.config file is s file that is read by IIS to configure an app hosted with IIS. This file must be present at the content root path of the deployment app. If Web.config file is present in the project, then file is transformed with the correct process path and arguments to configure the ASP.NET Core module and moved to published output. The Web.config file may contain additional IIS Configuration setting that controls active IIS module. It is used to manage various settings that defines a website. The settings are stored in XML file which is separated from the codes. Generally, only one Web.config file is present for one application, however there can be multiple configuration files that manage settings at various levels within an application.

Which compiler is used in ASP.NET?

To compile an ASP.NET program .NET framework used the Roslyn compiler.

Asp. Net is open source, if yes then explain.

ASP.NET is an open-source web framework for building web applications on the .NET (dot NET) framework. It is made by Microsoft and variant 1.0. The framework is designed to work with the standard HTTP convention, which is the standard protocol utilized across all web-based applications. ASP.NET is the replacement to the ASP (Active Server Pages) innovation and was a significant update as far as adaptability and power. It is an expansion of the .NET framework with extra tools and libraries for building things on the web, including web applications and websites. The ASP.NET cross-plate form version is known as ASP.NET Core, which was delivered in 2016. ASP.NET is still updated and supported. We can understand that, Asp. Net is free of cost means it does not require any Linces cost. It provides the free tools for your operating system. Dot net is open source and under the .NET Foundation. The .NET Foundation is an independent organization to foster open development and collaboration around the .NET ecosystem. Because .NET is open source, you can join the thousands of developers and companies already contributing to the .NET platform.

Explain the Global.asax file?

Global.asax file is also known as the ASP.NET application and is used to serve application-level and session-level events. It allows us to write codes that response to global application events raised by ASP.NET or by HTTP modules. These events fire at various points during the lifetime of a web application, including when the application domain is first created. The Global.asax file resides in the root directory of an ASP.NET-based application. At run time, Global.asax is parsed and compiled into a dynamically generated .NET Framework class derived from the HTTP Application base class the Global.asax file is optional. If you do not define the file, the ASP.NET page framework assumes that you have not defined any application or session event handlers.
Some basic application events are given below:

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